How to Support Local Entrepreneurs and Businesses During This Season

It’s been a week, hasn’t it? Here at Prairie Film Co. we’ve received a handful of event cancellation notices and refund requests from clients, and we know that we aren’t the only ones. While we don’t need another blog post that talks about the complexities of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we do need a simple, practical guide to supporting those who are hurting economically during this season. Here are three ways you can support local entrepreneurs and businesses during this uncertain season.

1. If you were planning on hiring a local professional, do it now.

We all have that never ending to-do list that lingers in the back of our minds. Take a moment to do an inventory and see if hiring any local entrepreneurs or businesses is on that list. If so, seriously consider moving that item to the top of your to-do list and make the decision to engage them for their services. For those who rely on providing their services to large events or gatherings, having an extra small job come in right now can make a world of a difference.

2. Shop local, online.

Many local entrepreneurs and businesses are able to offer some online products and services. Consider buying an online service, reserving services for the future or purchasing a gift card. In difficult times having working capital can help a small business survive. While you’re online, take a moment and leave a favourable Google review for your business of choice. Here at Prairie Film Co. Google has been one of our primary referral sources and Google reviews received in slow seasons have not only encouraged our spirits but have helped us get discovered by new clients.

3. Vocalize your support online and in person.

One of the most basic ways you can support local entrapenuers and busniesses is to vocalize your support for them. While you may not have the need or the means to engage their services, you can encourage others within your circle of influence to do so. On a more personal note, what would it look like for you to go out of your way to encourage a local entrepreneur or small business? Don’t underestimate the impact of a small act of kindness like a gift card or a simple hand written encouragement note.

Times of trial often bring out the best in people. We’re thankful to be a part of a community and a city that has each other’s backs and supports one another to the best of our abilities. In a time of social distancing and mandatory isolation, let’s remember that we are social beings, craving connection and community with one another. We’re graced with the internet and the ability to connect remotely. Let’s not take it for granted, but use it to maximize our care for one another.

To the wedding vendors, entrepreneurs and small business owners in Winnipeg, we’re cheering for you all. To those health care professionals working tirelessly on the frontlines, we’ve got your backs. To all those sick or otherwise impacted, we’re praying for you. Together we’ve got this, our best is yet to come.