The Importance of Having a Mentor

We’re pumped to be able to share a guest post from one of our friends! We’ve know Demi for years, but only really connected in the last 10 months as Demi has started a media company of his own. We’ve been able to see Demi grow as a creative thinker, business owner and content creator. Demi’s post is about the important of finding a mentor in your industry, a role that we’ve been able to play for him. It’s been a joy to play a small part in his journey.


You may have heard it before, but let me say it again for those in the back: having a mentor might be the difference between you starting the company you’ve always wanted to start and you thinking about starting it for the rest of your life. It is easy for that to go in one ear and out the other so let me break it down for you. Here are a couple ways that having a mentor will improve your life:


You may tell your friends and family about your goals and ambitions, but often times they are not holding you accountable to them. Having a mentor in your life brings a greater degree of accountability to your goals and dreams. We all need someone in our life who isn’t afraid to apply pressure, but at the same time wants us to succeed. Having someone who you can be accountable to will kick your business growth into overdrive. 


Even though you may believe that you have everything figured out, you can’t do life alone. You will always run into new things that you could never have planned for and you need someone to walk you through those things. Perhaps it’s not even a business issue, when you feel lost in life a mentor can be the person who helps set you back on the right track. If chosen right, your mentor has probably already gone through the same situations that you are in. Sure, you can battle through it yourself, but who wouldn’t want someone to look to for guidance and insight? In an age where everyone wants to be self made, we need to recognize the guidance that someone else can bring into our lives.


A mentor brings you an immense amount of value ranging from advice to showing you how to do something in a hands-on way. But it is important that you realize that your relationship with your mentor is not strictly transactional and one sided. In order to get the most out of a relationship with a mentor you have to figure out a way to also bring value. What do you bring to the table? Knowing how to bring value to a relationship will only set you up for success in your relationship with your mentor.

Personally, having Jordan as my mentor took me from saying: “I kind of like this videography stuff” to “this is my future and I can’t wait to see how it plays out.” I honestly can’t stress the importance of finding a quality mentor that you can look up to enough. It is literally life changing and you really have nothing to lose in doing so. 

It’s been a joy to see Demi grow over the last number of months! We’re so excited to see where he’ll be heading in the next few years. Demi, thanks for the guest post! Here’s to the belief that the best is truly yet to come!